Our Services

  • Education

    in the beginning of the school year, when we get the details of the local families, we support them by providing clothes and stationery items. These children are very poor and don't have the basic tools for their education

  • Providing good school tools increases the level of interaction and benefit in the classroom, which positively affects the motivation of students and enhancing their educational skills. Therefore, it can be said that school tools are not just supplies, but are an essential partner in the journey of building a bright future for students, as it paves the way for their academic and personal growth in a balanced and integrated manner.

  • ID Card

    All children have these rights, regardless of who they are, where they live, what language they speak, what is their religion, ideas or forms, whether they are boys or daughters, whether they are disabled, rich or poor, and regardless of who their parents or families, their ideas and beliefs are, or what they do. No child shall be treated unfairly for any reason.

  • You can see the details of this girl's story by clicking on the button

  • Fuel

    When we get the details of local families, we support them by providing fuel for their heathers. These families are very poor, and the weather is particularly cold.

    They need fuel for the heater to warm themselves up We decided to give each family 40 liters of fuel which we hope will make theirhouseholds more convenient

  • When the freezing cold wraps the world and temperatures become low, the attention of many humanitarian organizations and volunteers turns to providing assistance to the poor living in difficult circumstances. The importance of winter campaign relief products is to provide protection and comfort for people in need during this cold and harsh period

  • Providing the requirements of daily life

    Resolute Humanitarian Organization works to achieve its humanitarian mission through effective cooperation with government agencies and securing the nutritional requirements needed by the population, and obtaining every individual at all times a sufficient amount of sand beneficial food to live a safe, active and dignified life.

  • Providing children's supplies

    Securing a child's basic needs of food and drink is very important for all human beings, whether children or adults, as they must always be met, in all circumstances, whether in peace or war, to enable them to survive,

  • Health

    After we got details of Akre health and discussed the needs of Akre General Hospital, it was necessary to provide an (ABG) device.

    Because this device is very important for the area of Akre and its neighborhoods...

    One of the effects of not providing this device in the previous period is the hardship of the road, so the patient had to be sent out of Akre to conduct the examination and determine the patient's condition.

    Physically, the cost of analysis and transportation of the patient to Dohuk or Erbil was very expensive.Delay in diagnosing the patient's condition and treatment for these reasons, it was necessary for the Resolute organization to provide the device and diagnose the patients' condition in a timely manner.

  • ABG the importance of the device

    It is a test that measures the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, and also measures the degree of blood acidity (pH), and oxygen saturation in the blood. This test gives an indication of the work efficiency of certain vital organs such as the lungs, heart, and kidneys. This test is often ordered in-hospital in critical and serious cases, and is usually performed in the intensive care unit and emergency room.

    This test examines both

    Find out if a person has blood poisoning.

    Blood pH (pH).

    Partial pressure of oxygen

    Partial pressure of carbon dioxide

    Concentration of bicarbons

    Saturation of blood with oxygen

    Every cell in the human body needs oxygen, oxygen is inhaled through the lungs and transferred from them to the blood, and each cell produces carbon dioxide, and this process is called gas exchange.

  • Statistics

    A month after securing the ABG device, we visited the emergency department of the Golan Hospital for statistics and information. Fortunately, we found a large number of patients benefiting from this device without the need for guidance elsewhere and without any financial cost.

    Total number of cases: 44

    Number of males: 22

    Females: 22

  • Education

    School maintenance and cleaning

  • Education

    At the beginning of the school year in September, we organized a campaign to support children from low-income families, distributing school supplies, including stationery, to three hundred thirty-six children. This initiative came in partnership with Mr. Kaman Qassem, who contributed to the distribution of school clothes and bags to children. This campaign aims to provide a better learning environment and reduce the financial burden on families with the beginning of the school year, helping children start their school year with confidence and full readiness

  • Education

    Improving the educational environment for students with special needs at Malaye Jziri School

    To complement our efforts to support inclusive education, we have equipped a classroom at Malaye Jziri School specifically for nine children with special needs. Improvements included the provision of various educational tools that help develop their abilities and enhance their interaction with lessons. The row walls are also painted in suitable colors that give a positive atmosphere, and the window glass is repaired to ensure safety and comfort. We did not overlook the electricity equipment to ensure the continuity of lessons safely. We look forward to this project contributing to a stimulating and comprehensive educational experience for these children.

This device needs cards to do the analysis if you want to help patients you can donate them